Which Cosmetic Dentistry Treatment Is Right For You?

It’s never too late to have a smile that makes you feel confident and attractive. 

We understand just how important it is to have a beautiful smile. We also know that most people don’t naturally have perfectly straight, white, and even teeth. Your Midtown Manhattan, New York, NY, dentist Dr. Sonia Kohli can help you get the smile you’ve always wanted through cosmetic dentistry. We offer a full range of cosmetic dentistry services to meet your needs.

These are just some of the most popular ways in which we can improve the appearance of your smile in the long-term:

Zoom Whitening 

Whether you want to whiten your teeth under the supervision and treatment of our qualified cosmetic dentist or you want to get effective results at home, our Midtown Manhattan, New York, NY, cosmetic dentistry team can help get your teeth several shades whiter with Zoom whitening.

This powerful system is tailored to your needs and the severity of your stains to help target and remove even the most stubborn external stains caused by smoking, diet, and aging. Get your teeth several shades whiter in under one hour with our dental team.

Dental Veneers 

From cracked teeth and gaps between teeth to misshapen or oddly shaped teeth, there are many reasons people may consider dental veneers. These porcelain shells are bonded to the front of one or more teeth to hide imperfections while also perfecting the overall shape and alignment of your smile. Whether you want a smile that’s slightly more even, straighter or whiter, veneers can easily help you achieve the perfect set of teeth.


If you are a teen or adult who wished they had gotten braces when they were younger, know that we also offer more discreet and nearly invisible ways to straighten your smile. We understand that not having to sport a mouth full of braces is important during your high school and college years, as well as once you’re in the working world. Invisalign makes it possible for clients of all ages to fix crooked and misaligned teeth with completely clear and removable aligners.

If you are ready to have a beautiful smile and think you could be an ideal candidate for cosmetic dentistry, call Dr. Kohli at the Midtown Manhattan, New York, NY, practice today at (212) 644-6360 to schedule a consultation.

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7:30 am-4:00 pm







Dr. Sonia Kohli